2020 Women & Girls Fun Award Recipient
The Women & Girls Fund Award honors community members who have made outstanding professional or personal contributions towards understanding and addressing the needs of women and girls. Carlene Wilson, of Fairlee, located in Kent County, has demonstrated leadership, compassion, and generosity of time and talent in her efforts to improve the lives of children living in Baywood Village apartment complex, a subsidized housing community in Fairlee. With a small grant from the apartment management company, Charlene took on responsibility for providing breakfast and lunch every weekday during summer months – and continuing into the school year – for more than 20 food insecure children in the complex. This summer, in addition to offering daily meals, she will partner with Community Mediation of the Upper Shore to offer a weekly art and conflict resolution program for teens and tots. For her tireless efforts in providing meals, love, and guidance to children in Baywood Village, the Women & Girls Fund is honored to present this year’s award to Carlene Wilson.