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Why Contribute?

The Women & Girls Fund is an endowed fund that channels the pooled resources of individuals into a powerful and permanent legacy serving the needs of women and girls in Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot Counties, Maryland. It is our mission to use the power of pooled resources to improve the lives of women and girls on Maryland ’s Mid-Shore.

We strategically target women and girls because as a group their needs continue to be underserved by traditional philanthropy. Nationwide studies show that:

  • Less than six cents out of every traditional philanthropic dollar is given to organizations that target services to women and children (New England Women’s Fund);
  • Less than five percent of all foundation grants are targeted for women and girls (New Mexico Women’s Foundation.)


This strategy puts money, time, and talent where the need is most pressing. It also recognizes and builds upon the Fund’s strong belief that improvements made in the lives and prospects of Mid-Shore women and girls have a positive impact upon the community as a whole. And, yes, this means men and boys too! Consider the ripple effect generated by just a few of the grants funded by the W&GF.

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