Women & Girls Fund Grants & Awards Luncheon
April 29, 2024

A record crowd turned out to celebrate Childlene Brooks and Amy Steward, our two inspiring
community award recipients, and enjoy the presentations of 18 grants and 4 Daisy Fund awards.
Kudos to the Tidewater Inn for a delicious meal and outstanding service.
It was a WONDERFUL day!
Mark your calendars for next year’s event – Monday, April 28, 2025. Hope to see you there!


Our 11th Annual Golf Tournament was a success!

Photo Credit: Taylor Hall Photography
Thanks to the players, volunteers, and Talbot Country Club staff for making it such a fun, enjoyable day.

Women & Girls Fund 20th Anniversary

This film is a highlight reel of the Fund’s mission at work through our grant recipients, their programs, and their impact on those they serve … “using the power of pooled resources, to improve the lives of women and girls in the Mid-Shore”.

A powerful and permanent legacy

It’s our mission to use the power of pooled resources to improve the lives
of women and girls on Maryland’s Mid-Shore.

Daisy Chain

The Women & Girls Fund presents a Daisy Chain which supports Women & Girls on the Mid-Shore during COVID-19


We strategically target women and girls because as a group their needs continue to be underserved by traditional philanthropy

Grants Given

Dollars Awarded

Non-Profits Helped

The power of pooled resources

Grants are awarded annually to non-profit agencies whose programs benefit the lives of women and girls on the Mid-Shore.

Be a part of an outstanding group of women who support the work of the Women & Girls Fund with their time and talent.

Donate now to build the endowment and support annual grants that address crucial and underserved issues facing women and girls across the Mid-Shore.

Who We Are

The Women & Girls Fund is an endowed fund that channels the pooled resources of individuals into a powerful and permanent legacy serving the needs of women and girls in Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot Counties, Maryland. It is our mission to use the power of pooled resources to improve the lives of women and girls on Maryland ’s Mid-Shore.

Our Goals:

  • To understand the needs of women & girls throughout the Mid-Shore & to raise awareness of these needs in our communities
  • To support under-funded programs and initiatives that aid women and girls
  • To facilitate collaborative efforts among existing agencies and programs and to encourage public/private partnerships
  • To engage the philanthropic instincts of all women by providing venues in which their resources of money, time, and talent can be used

Our Sponsors

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